
Freezin’ Season



Coming up on Christmas Eve morning 2022 is freezin season here in normally sunny Florida. They say the lows will be down to 25 degrees. Brrrrr, that’s too cold!

We had a freeze last winter as well, you can see the frozen weeds in the photo up top. It done nearly kilt my orange tree that had developed a few blossoms shortly before. It hasn’t fully recovered from it yet, shaking my fist at the clouds!

This year we have some banana trees and avocado trees also planted to worry about. I have some extra Christmas lights I think I’ll put on them, they say the heat from the (non-LED) lights can protect them. I don’t have enough sheets or whatever to cover them all up so we’ll just have to take our chances.

Did you know the last time it snowed in the Tampa Bay area was in 1977. A long, long time ago. With the wacky weather that’s going on everywhere I wouldn’t be surprised to see some this year. Climes they are a changin’!

I do apologize if you are in a much colder place and think it’s silly to be worried about a couple degrees below freezing. I know some areas are already way below that, but we’re not built for that here. It’s supposed to be nice, I mean we have palm trees!

But it will all be over in a day or so and we’ll get back to normal Florida winter soon enough. I hope you have a Merry Christmas and stay as warm as you want to!

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